San Mateo County Bail Bonds | (650) 396-2245 | Cal West Bail Bonds
Looking ahead at the bail process can seem insurmountable. You might be unfamiliar with how it works, worried about your or your loved one’s time in jail, or concerned about being unable to pay the bail amount. That’s where Cal West Bail Bonds comes in. We are able to, first and foremost, provide free information to acquaint you with the process. Make us your first resource!
Essentially, posting bail allows you or your loved one to end their time in jail on condition of appearing in court at a later date. If that happens as planned, you will receive your bail amount back. But if you aren’t able to afford bail up front, you will need an alternative solution. Specifically familiar with San Mateo County bail bonds, we can provide you with budget options, payment plans, and expert advice about it all.
If you or a loved one has been booked at Maquire Correctional Facility, which handles incoming arrests for San Mateo County, call 1-650-396-2245 now. We can get the bail process started, answer your questions, and work toward getting you or your loved one out. We remain professional, confidential, and courteous at all times, offering you a safe and comfortable atmosphere to navigate this trying time.