Northern California Serious Crime Update

Every single day, there are reports of serious crimes, not only in large California cities known for escalating serious crime rates, but in many areas in the general Northern California area. Highlighted below are some of the most serious crimes under investigation. Prominent Lawyer and Social Advocate, Susan Roberts, Murdered in Land Park Home January […]

The New Gun Legislation In Northern California Is Causing Massive Confusion

Last year, the voters and legislature in northern California passed an unbelievable amount of legislation to ensure private gun ownership became extremely expensive, and incredibly difficult to attain. These regulations included restricting ammunition sales and magazine capacity. The premise for the new legislation was to decrease the unacceptable number of incidents involving arrests for illegal […]

Keeping Your Home Safe for The Holidays

Protecting Your Christmas Packages in Northern California As it is well known to consumers and thieves, the Christmas holiday season is the busiest time for package delivery. People are shipping gifts to friends and loved ones and they are also having them delivered to their homes. Sadly, thieves steal packages while people are at work […]

The Bail Industry

How many individuals charged with a crime are sentenced to jail time or sent to prison who could not afford to pay their bail. The California bail bonds system and the insurance industry that advocates for bail bond agents seem to be a mystery to some Democratic lawmakers. Reform discussions are led by Assemblyman Rob […]