Summer Crime Roundup

Crime infiltrates communities, both wealthy and disenfranchised. Nothern California is a prominent source of frequent criminal activity, including robberies of small business and unwarranted shootings of innocent victims. While crime is never easy to talk about, we as a society have to rely on legislation to make us feel reassured about our families’ safety. Problems like drug dealing lead to dangerous habits within a community, ranging from addiction and overdoses to prostitution and other illicit types of payment. The best thing we can do to ensure that our society progresses in a meaningful way is to stay informed. Keeping an eye out for any troubling behavior in one’s neighborhood can really help law enforcement do their job a lot more effectively. In just the past year alone, here are some of the tragic incidents that have taken place in the region of Northern California. The below stories are true issues that are plaguing American society. Examining these trends on a closer scale helps to identify patterns, which will hopefully lead to the criminal being sent to jail.

Undocumented Immigrant in Jail On Felony Rape Charges

A serial rapist is wanted by authorities in the state of California for assaulting several women as well as committing a homicide. California bail bonds for the man, Garcia Zarate are incredibly high, warranted by repeated convictions of raping and preying on female victims who were looking for a shared ride service. He is charged with four counts of rape, which qualifies as a felony. Zarate is from Peru and is jailed with a bail of well over $4 million. In addition to high California bail bonds, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have a close eye on this criminal, who will likely remain in jail.

Grandmother and Grandchildren Dead in Northern California Fire

California is no stranger to fires. The immediate chaos following a fire means families like Sherry Bledsoe’s lose their closest family members in the blink of an eye. She told the media that the recent Reddington fire left her grandmother dead. In addition to the loss of Sherry’s grandmother, Melody Bledsoe, Sherry also lost two young children in the fire. Their ages were 5 and 4. She is mourning the loss of her loved ones as law enforcement continues their search for other bodies trapped in the unfortunate fire. The current death toll is at 5 people.

Injured Animals Found Hanging Out Together On A Porch

The California fires have not been easy to deal with for victims and even those who have just been made aware of the fire and its severity, humans aren’t the only beings affected by the scary fires. Firefighters were perusing a home when they found a cat as well as another unlikely animal on the front porch of someone’s home. With the wildfires spreading rapidly, both a cat and the chicken were injured by the devastating fires. Unfortunately, both animals were spotted with burns all over their bodies. The cat and chicken were transported to a local animal shelter where they were treated for their injuries. Members of the Fire Department of Grass Valley were the first one to discover the small, injured animals. These department members were also active in the fight to combat wildfires within the state of California, particularly in the area of Redding, California.

Over A Thousand Homes Burnt In Nothern California Fires

People were rushing to evacuate from the massive wildfire in Northern California; the fire has infiltrated some iconic California gems, and now it’s time to talk action. The storytelling vision for reviving their legislature on how to react when something this serious occurs takes time to make, hence the slower nature of policy makers in trying to rectify this serious situation. Part of the damage of this fire includes people’s most prized possessions, including their homes. Over 1,000 homes have been affected by the deadly fires, and it’s crucial to focus on any other families that may be at risk. Not every family is prepared for an emergency situation of this magnitude. Every form of the building has been affected by this, from a warehouse to a bond and even a home. The number of buildings that have been ruined as a result of these unanticipated fires is that children have been losing touch with their parents and loved ones.

Northern California Fires Threaten Farmers and Agriculture

The devastation that has resulted from the massive wildfires that have overtaken the region of Northern California run the gamut from small families and homeowners to businessmen and even farmers. Near Covelo, there is a now destroyed ranch and farming area, which had several homes on its lot of land. The blaze ripped through all kinds of natural resources and critical materials including oak, brush and even pine. Having their resources threatened by the blazing fires also puts their livelihoods in jeopardy, or even worse, takes them away. There was no warning given to the individuals living in the Northern California area and with the sudden outburst of flames, all farming and gardening was immediately disrupted and unfortunately ruined as a result. California had experienced a lot of rain towards the start of the new year, which meant that stock and plants were growing at a rapid rate. There was a plethora of grass grown as a result of the showers, but all of this went to waste with the California fires getting in the way. California is known for being very sunny and dry, so to have this amount of rain was a pleasant surprise to its people. Everyday citizens have been cautioned to go about their days more vigilantly, as any small move can instigate yet another outburst.

Construction Workers Heavily Impacted By Worst Fires in History

The deadly Northern California fires have claimed the lives of its citizens and threatened the well being of its communities. Construction workers, in particular, had to wake up to news of their hard work being completely destroyed by forces outside of their control. The strain that has been put on the working labor community of California begs the question whether there is more that can be done to help these smaller, underprivileged communities.

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